Perfect Colour Combo in Your House

No doubt black and white was a magnificent era but we can’t imagine our lives like that. We always want to add colours, be it our life, our wardrobe or in our house. Yes adding the perfect colours to our house is very important because that is where we get all the peace required. Choosing colours for our house is never the difficult job, but deciding the colour combination is hell of a job. And that is where the interior designer in Bangalore steps in. The designers at Cee Bee Design Studio give you all the idea that you need to have while colouring the walls of your house. They help you decide the combination and at the same time help you know what colour will be best for which room. The correct combination of colours on the walls and ceilings can change the entire look of your house. 

Always choose those colours that go with your style and that motivate you as well.
If you want to give your house a wider look then the perfect idea would be to a dark floor with light colours on your walls and ceilings. This looks very classy and also gives the impression of a large space and also cuts short the height of the room. A white colour on the walls and ceilings with dark colours like brown on the floor looks great.

If you want to keep the walls dark then the floor and ceilings should be kept light. It should always be contrasting because everything in darker shade will make the house look small. But if you keep it in contrast then it will create a warm and welcoming space. The colour of the ceiling and the floor has a significant impact on the feeling of a space.

Other thing that you can do is keep the ceiling, floor and the back wall in light shade while giving the other three walls a dark shade which will make the room look narrower and higher.


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